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Integrated Education for Future Leaders

Integrated Education for Future Leaders

In 1998, the 6 most impoverished, illiterate and isolated Ban village communities asked East Bali Poverty Project (EBPP) to “Educate our children so they can lead us to a better life”. At that time most school age children – and all their parents - were illiterate and did not go to school because the nearest government schools were up to 4 hours walk away on steep and winding dirt tracks and no public transport, even up to the present day.

As we believe that children’s education is a fundamental human right and the foundation of sustainable development and poverty alleviation, we have built schools and delivered comprehensive education programs in the 6 most remote mountain communities in partnership with all stakeholders since 1999. We work with community leaders and parents to encourage and support their children to continue learning till high school graduation so they can have a better future and develop their impoverished communities.

With our wide range of extracurricular subjects,we are empowering the children with life skills and the capacity building they need to forge their own future by: starting their own business in their village, continuing to university, or seeking good work opportunities outside their village.

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Primary and Secondary Education

Since the launch of our first integrated education programme in Bunga in August 1999, EBPP has
established and still runs 6 schools in the remote hamlets of Bunga (1999), Cegi (2000), Pengalusan
(2000), Manikaji (2001), Jatituhu (2005) and Darmaji (2007) All schools run programmes from primary
through to senior high school.

Tertiary Education

In line with EBPP and community aspirations, we have sought sponsors for our graduate students who have the potential and enthusiasm to continue to university with the goal of returning to their villages to share their new knowledge, participate in developing a new generation of children and leading their communities to a better future of sustainable social and economic development


Why Education?

​The Ban Village communities asked us to help educate their children to lead them to a better future. We opened schools and designed programs that integrate cognitive, emotional and social skills to equip our children to become future leaders – and educate their illiterate parents, especially in basic hygiene, sanitation and nutrition practices.

Before starting our first school in Bunga in 1999, it was essential to ensure the full understanding and commitments of all the parents by entering into an agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with 3 promises from EBPP and 3 from the parents and community leaders

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EBPP’s promises:

1. Provide integrated and relevant education so they can lead your community to the future;
2. Provide a nutritious meal every day with a glass of fortified milk and a multivitamin tablet;
3. Teach them how to stay healthy without medicines.

Parents’ promises:

1. Send our children to school every school day;
2.Provide space and support for them to study at home;
3. Learn from them.

We applied this successful system at the launch of our five other schools and is adhered to until now.

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“There was no education available in my area until I was 6 years old, the time when EBPP opened their school in my village, Manikaji, in 2001. Today, I am one of EBPP’s teachers and I am dedicated to make sure the children in our village continue to receive the best education.”

I Nyoman Kartya,

Mathematics Teacher

Our Impact


Schools in 6 remote hamlets


Graduated primary school


Graduated Senior high school


Children Educated


Graduated junior high school


Scholarships to university

How to Help

Help our children continue receiving the best education they deserve.

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