By: Komang Ayu Dita Anggraeni, EBPP English Teacher

My interest in the Education field encouraged me to pursue a career as an English teacher to give a real contribution to children and my community. And, as I always wanted to work for an NGO to make that possible, it was a great honour for me to find out about EBPP and join them as an English Teacher. During my period of working here, I gained a lot of valuable experience that helped me grow and develop myself as a teacher.
I was involved in every activity with the Education Team such as teaching the EBPP students in academic classes and facilitating the extra-curricular English Club with Ms Nova and Ms Lina. Being able to meet EBPP students is an experience that I cherish the most. Their incredible spirit to learn, despite the difficult situation, has always amazed me. Other than that, working under the Education team also connects me with dedicated people who inspire me to give my best in every piece of my work.
I am eternally grateful for the opportunity and warmth given to me during my period as part of the EBPP Family. I hope EBPP can continue its journey of helping disadvantaged people in Ban Village so that they can have a better life in the future. •