By: I Made Suarjana, EBPP Education Team Coordinator

After all of our schools were allowed to reopen for face-to-face learning at the beginning of March 2022, whilst applying strict health protocols, our students couldn’t hide their happiness of finally returning to their classrooms, with our girls most eager to resume Balinese dance classes
The weekly dancing class is one of our girls’ favourites, where they can benefit from self-improvement by developing these complex talents. Through EBPP’s creative programs our students are able to channel their passion in learning many Balinese dance types such as: Panyembrahma, Puspanjali, Merak Angelo, Belibis, Burat Wangi, Cendrawasih, Sekar Jagad, and Corong dances for elementary, junior and senior high student. They enjoy expressing their feelings and soul through rhythmic and beautiful body movements to the rhythm of Balinese gamelan (Balinese traditional music), which requires special skills, even talent to illustrate the beauty and quality of the dance.
They enjoy proudly presenting these dances not only in EBPP’s special events such as National Education Day and Independence Day but also they can show their talent in each of their hamlets’ events when they have the special ceremonies and they can volunteer themselves to be the cultural entertainment in the ceremony. •
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