I Nengah Edi Catra, EBPP Music Teacher

At EBPP, we are always passionate about integrating creative projects in education, both in the academic curriculum and extracurricular projects, such as music project which our creative students chose to highlight the issues of child marriage and bad local roads.
Cegi and Pengalusan students focused on preventing child marriage, while Jatituhu and Darmaji students highlighted the serious problem the many unsurfaced dirt roads that become more dangerous in the rainy season. With guidance from their teachers, students began writing lyrics, creating melodies, and recording songs on their basic smart phones.
Despite the challenges of finding the right lyrics and conveying a clear message, the students' enthusiasm never waned. They worked hard for about two months, going through hours of stressful practice to achieve the best results.
As their music teacher, I am so proud to see their development and enthusiasm. When the day for recording arrived, nerves hit, but their pride in seeing the final result a few days later outweighed everything else.
This project not only creates music, but also empowers students to address issues important to them and their communities. I hope this project increases social awareness among our students, communities and all other stakeholders.
* Click here on how to support us: https://www.eastbalipovertyproject.org/fundraising